Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Literary Speculation

I chose to read A Clockwork Orange for this week because I have always heard about that book and have always been interested to read it because every time I asked people what it's about they respond " It's hard to explain, " or "It's crazy, you gotta just read it yourself," which only spiked my curiosity. So this was perfect timing, now that work was ending too. And I must say those who have told me, it's hard to explain, and that it's crazy, I now understand what they mean.
So wow. That's the best way for me to begin this post. I'm only halfway through First of all I would not be surprised if this ability to alter the human mind and what it wants or doesn't want becomes a reality in the not so far off future. I would say it's in humane but I can also easily argue that the main character was some sort of crazy, and needed it so he wouldn't be so dangerous.
When I looked at the category for this week and read "literay speculation" I was thinking to myself, what in the world could that mean. I understood it now. The rapes and the beatings and subjecting women the way they do. Running around in weird costumes and masks and picking on bums ( Which I've actually seen other movies make a reference to and have NEVER understood what they were making fun of before ) Anyway, all of that was very overwhelming for me. It was hard for me to continue, especially after the rapes. I think I may have even written in an earlier post.....Yes after last week when I had read one of the Xenogensis novels, Lilith's Brood, I was enjoying it and then came to a point where the first male human she sees in the story beats her and tries to rape her and I haven't picked up the book since. All the more credit to the authors for being able to write those things and not feel guilty, but as a woman it's harder for me to stomache. It's surprising to me because all of my friends who have read this book, read it in Catholic school, while I attended public school and we didn't touch it.
I understand in ways how it refers to Catholic religion because the scientists are basically playing the role of God by altering Alex's mind. And also there is the obvious debate of free will and how it should be handled. But still to me it's surprising that such a strict school where you couldn't wear skirts or hair past a certain length or talk about Harry Potter yet they can read about a violent gang member. A bit hypocritical to me, which I suppose does make sense for a Catholic school ( I'm sorry if you're a strongly religious Christian! )
Anyways....I probably won't finish this. Part of me wants to know what happens to Alex, but part of me is afraid he'll revert back to his old ways which would not be a satisfying ending to me..

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